Monday, October 22, 2012

Playing on Sunday

Is there anything better than spending your Sunday with a loyal and loving boy curled up at your feet?

He spent the day with his head in my lap while I worked on new promotional material for my niteflirt page.

He fetched my drinks, made my snacks and lovingly rubbed my shoulders when the coding got me cranky.

After lunch I was ready to shut down the laptop and we went out to the back yard for a walk.

(My in heels, him on his hands and knees, collar shining brightly in the sun.)

When we came inside I rewarded him with a slow gently flogging against my bedroom wall while he rode the waves of pleasure from his vibrating aneros toy.

I let him cum. It had been awhile and he produced quite a bit of fluid.

After he cleaned it up like a good puppyboi I curled up with a book and a drink and sent him off to the kitchen to make dinner.

Puppyboi looks very cute in an apron and a red bottom. ;)

Happy playing!
