Monday, August 22, 2011


Sorry, James, but I am the original unobtainable object; have been since long before you ever dreamed up your little blue men on their glowy fairyland planet.

Even in high school I was *THE ONE*. The jocks, the brains, the preppies, they all wanted me.

But they couldn't have me.

No matter what they offered, how much they begged, or what promises they made me, the answer was always NO.

Oh I'd take whatever they offered. They could buy me things, give me rides, or do my homework, and in exchange they'd get a little praise and attention. If they were very, very good they might even get a date...

I liked letting them think there might be more.. I loved flashing a bit of panty, giving them a glance down my top, giving a smoky look as I smiled or winked... They came to me eager, hot and ready, each one thinking "finally, finally, finally!"

And I shut them down. Cold as ice water on a raging fire.

Game over. Do not pass go. Sorry, you lose... AGAIN!

If a guy was really a jerk I'd humiliate him publicly, cut the big man down to his little boy size.

"Hey Joe, I read somewhere that 95% of guys play with themselves in the shower and the other 5 percent sing. What do they sing?...Oh you don't know? Yeah, that's what I thought.... Later, loser."

And walk away to the sound of a ring of girls laughing all around my victim.

The crueler I was, the more I said no, the bigger bitch I became the more they wanted me. And they harder they tried the meaner I got.

And then a funny thing happened.

Some of them started to LIKE it. They got as turned on by the put downs and humiliations as they did by my cup size. They actually craved my cruelty, and being a benevolent Mistress, I gave it to them generously.

Eventually we all graduated and moved on, but I know they are still out there. I see them from time to time and watch with pleasure as the hopeful look of longing comes over their faces.

Sometimes I throw them a treat. Leaning in close and putting a hand on his arm or chest, I press my lips to his ear and whisper: "See, I told you sucking all those cocks would give you an overbite." They stop and stare as I walk away, shocked, horrified, and as turned on as ever by being cut to the bone.

I know I can't be the only girl out there who treated her pets this way. There are guys EVERYwhere who still long for that kind of treatment.

And you're one of them, aren't you?

I can tell by the way you look at me. You long for someone to put you in your place, crave the horror of public humiliation, ache to degrade yourself in the futile hope of pleasing me. You want someone to whisper in your ear that all your power and looks and money don't mean anything, because you're still same old loser you always were and always will be--- and you know what I'm saying is true.

You know you want it. You need it.... so pick up the phone and call me.

Call Button

I'm going to give you EXACTLY what you deserve!

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